Are you looking for Transit De-escalation Training? let me tell you we have the absolute best training and most comprehensive training in the area. The first thing I want to talk about is our speaker camp. We offer a speaker Camp to help you overcome your Jitter and nerves if you need to start speaking in public settings. We also have a de-escalation conflict management course, operator safety and self-defense from the seated position course, and lead the field which is an inspiring leadership course that develops trust, culture combination as well as accountability. We’ve been training teams since 2010 so let us let that 15 years experience work for you and overcome any difficulties your employees are having in the training world.

Our speaker course is amazing for all Transit De-escalation Training! Everybody can learn how to become a public speaker. It’s really simple. Especially if you take our certified transformational training professional course which is what our speaker campus called. Some of the things that you will get include 16 hours of online virtual training as well as two days of on-site training. you’ll get a cttp certificate as well as you’ll get a manual in a workbook. Some of the things you’ll learn include overcomings you’ll learn how to use the stage for Maximum Impact as well as be a master Storyteller to enhance teachable moments. you’ll be able to use humor effectively and appropriately in training. you’ll be able to design interactive, engaging and effective handouts as well as blend learning methodologies for maximum impact. you’ll be able to utilize theater techniques to enhance storytelling and presentation skills.

Transit De-escalation Training also offers De-escalation Conflict Management course where you will learn how to quickly and effectively de-escalate any situation from a frustrated writer all the way to an openly hostile individual. Some of the topics include emotional state management, powerful communication report building skills as well as simple and effective escalation skills. operator safety as well as learning how to remain calm and centered in any situation to ensure that you make better communication and safety decisions.

We also offer operator safety and self-defense from the seated position. The Operators are probably one of the most important positions on the train because if something happens the train could hurt everybody if it goes off track including the customers and all the other employees. It’s imperative that he learns how to protect himself. and that’s exactly what we teach him: we teach how to handle active shooter situations, how to Simply and effectively use defense techniques from the seated position. you should learn enhanced decision-making skills under stress as well as improve situational awareness.

check out our website at where you can see how we got started in the industry 15 years ago. You can check out a full list of all the services that we offer as well as check out our speaker account. you can check out what coaching options are available. Please give us a call at 937-673-3698.

Transit De-escalation Training | speaker camp

Are you looking for the most amazing Transit De-escalation Training this side of the mississippi? will look no further because you’ve come to the right place. We have so much more training and everybody else to give your employees complete training without any holes or gaps in their training coverage. We’ve been doing training since 2010 so we have over 15 years experience and we want to let that experience work for you and overcome any challenges that your team faces in their training. Some of the different training include speaker training , de-escalation Conflict Management training, operator safety and self-defense training, lead the field inspiring leadership course, red carpet customer service training as well as many more training.

Transit De-escalation Training wants to talk about our road where the communication de-escalation conflict management course. Some of the topics include emotional state management, powerful communication Skills, simple and effective de-escalation skills, and operator safety. you learn how to quickly and effectively de-escalate any situation. you’ll learn how to master your emotional state, remain calm and make better communication safety decisions under stress. you’ll learn these techniques and real-time experiences so you’ll be able to use them.

We also offer operator safety and self-defense from the seated position as part of our Transit De-escalation Training. This is because the operator’s safety is imperative for the rest of the passengers to be safe. We offer simple and effective defense techniques from the seated position as well as how to handle an active shooter situation. situational awareness from this training. you learn how to master emotional overload in the fight or flight response and being able to protect yourself. you also learn what is the line and how far you can protect yourself without drawing the eye of the government in a lawsuit.

We also offer an amazing public speaker course. It’s for people who might be afraid to speak in public settings. will help you get rid of Jitters and nerves. you will learn how to powerfully connect with your audience, be a master Storyteller to enhance teachable moments, use technology effectively to complement your learning. you’ll learn where and how to research topics as well as Master improvisation and physical teaching. you’ll be able to share your personal stories with power and passion as well as use a stage for maximum impact. you’ll be able to overcome your Jitters and Stage Fright as well as how to vocally project effectively. It’s a 16-hour online virtual training as well as two days of on-site training to ensure that you will be able to speak publicly. it cost $1,495 per attendee which is a small price to pay given that you’ll be able to speak in public for the rest of your life!.

check out our website at we can get a full complete list of services and training that we offer as well as check out an in depth view of our speaker camp. You can look into what industries we do training for as well as how we got started in the training industry. Please give us a call at 937-673-3698.