Roadworthy Communications Speaker Camp

Enroll Now


Certified Transformational Training Professional (CTTP)©

In this powerful and intense 4-day virtual and live intensive speaker training camp where you will learn the breakthrough methods that great presenters, teachers, and speakers use to own the stage and craft impactful presentations.

This course will act as a catalyst taking your presenting and speaking skills to the next level, show you how to create and deliver outstanding, training, keynote, or workshops and positively impact attendee’s behavior, and connect with your audience like never before.
Attendees will be consciously and consistently taken out of their comfort zone to advance their presenting skills, grow their confidence, and tap into as of yet undiscovered strengths and abilities.

Attendees will learn to tell masterful, succinct, and motivating stories, use humor effectively to build trust and rapport, craft killer openings, and impactful and moving closings that leave the attendee wanting more and feeling transformed.

Energy, physicality, and improvisation will be covered to allow the attendee to tap into their raw emotions, connect with audiences through their physical presence and truly move their students with their delivery.

This course is a hybrid program; meaning it utilizes both on line learning and onsite learning; upon signing up for the course the attendee will get immediate access to the Roadworthy Communications Speaker Camp online platform; where they will take their first 16 hours of training virtually via the RWC on line Speakers Camp platform; and 16 hours live in addition they will also receive the printed copy of the speakers manual workbook; filled with all the exercises and information they need for the course; upon completion of the online portion of training they can then attend one of four RWC speaker camps; in Nashville Tennessee, Orlando Florida, Austin Texas, or Las-Vegas Nevada.
In addition, for the next Calander year enrolled students will have access to monthly live Zoom trainings and monthly live coaching calls with Bill.

Once training is completed the student will receive their certification as a RWC Certified Transformational Training Professional; which includes The CTTP certificate, Membership access to annual speakers’ camps, the CTTP challenge coin, and recognition on the RWC website as a certified CTTP instructor, with opportunities to become an CTTP instructor trainer and present at the RWC transit annual conference.

If you truly want to take your presenting, speaking, and training career to the next level and position yourself as a recognized leader in transit training the RWC Certified Transformational Training Professional program is what you’re looking for.

You Will Learn How To:

  1. Own and use the stage for maximum impact
  2. Powerfully connect with your audience
  3. Mine and powerfully tell your personal stories
  4. Be a master storyteller to enhance teaching moments
  5. Write concise and defensible lesson plans
  6. Write Student Performance Objectives
  7. Use technology effectively to compliment learning
  8. Design and implement learning exercises that complement and enhance learning
  9. Speak extemporaneously when called to do so
  10. Use humor effectively and appropriately in training
  11. Design interactive, engaging, and effective handouts
  12. Blend learning methodologies for maximum impact
  13. Utilize theatre techniques enhance storytelling & presenting skills
  14. Master presence
  15. Learn how to market your speaking skills
  16. Position yourself as a sought-after expert
  17. Craft great presentation titles and topics
  18. Know where to get ideas for creative and inspiring keynotes
  19. Share your personal story with power and passion
  20. Master improvisation and Physical teaching
  21. Where and how to research topics
  22. How to write your first book to establish credibility in the marketplace
  23. Learn from the masters
  24. Using video and virtual training
  25. How to vocally project effectively
  26. Master 1st impressions
  27. Overcome jitters and stage fright
  28. Much More


Here is what you Get

  • 16 hours of online virtual training
  • 2 days of on sight training
  • CTTP certification
  • Presenters Manual and workbook
  • Monthly live virtual (zoom) coaching with Bill
  • Monthly live call in time with Bill
  • Review of presentation videos for feedback
  • Free attendance to RWC annual conference
  • CTTP challenge coin
  • Marketing and Expert positioning manual and online training course
  • Access to annual speaker’s camp
  • Listing on RWC website as a Certified Transit Training Professional
  • Access to CTTP online group
  • CTTP lapel pin

$1495.00 Per attendee…