Training and Keynotes

Training & Keynote Presentations: Virtual or Live

Every course that Bill teaches is custom designed to meet your unique organizational needs and can be taught as a Keynote, training course, or workshop.

Roadworthy Communication De-escalation and Conflict Management Course

This is a 4-hour course or a 60-90 keynote presentation that teaches operators, frontline supervisors, and customer service representatives how to quickly, effectively, and compassionately de-escalate virtually any situation from a frustrated rider to an openly hostile individual. This course was specifically designed for transportation professionals to provide them with a virtual tool box of simple, effective, and powerful street tested communication and de-escalation tools they can use to professionally handle any situation while increasing their personal safety and enhancing rider experience.

In addition, students will learn strategies to effectively master their own emotional states, remain calm, and centered in any situation, and make better communication and safety decisions under stress, by learning these techniques your operators and frontline employees will be more resilient and handle stress more effectively in all areas of their lives.
This course is interactive with lots of examples, interaction, and role play


  • Customized to your organizational needs
  • Helps reduce operator involved incidents and rider complaints
  • Improves job satisfaction and increase operator confidence, and safety
  • Enhanced public image
  • Compassionate and sensitive approach to improved rider experience


  • Emotional State Management
  • Powerful communication and rapport building skills
  • Simple and effective de-escalation skills
  • Operator safety
  • SHOWTIME principle of improved customer experience


Book Bill

Operator Safety & Self-Defense from the Seated Position

This is a 4-hour course or a 60 minute Keynote presentation; specifically designed for bus operators and frontline supervisors; to provide them with a set of simple, effective, and court-defensible techniques for defending themselves from the seated position, against both armed and unarmed attackers.

The emphasis of this training is providing the operators with simple and court-defensible skills; they will learn when they can legally defend themselves and what constitutes a reasonable response in the eyes of the courts and the public. By training operators in this manner, they will learn a standardized and reasonable response to aggression, if this Is not done the operator is left to their own idea of when to defend and what constitutes reasonableness.

They will then learn effective and simple techniques anyone can do to protect themselves from an assault, and how to effectively document the incident.

This course is very interactive taking the operators through a series of drills that culminate in practicing the skills on the coach in the operant environment and then documenting the incident.


  • Civil Liability, reasonableness, and totality of circumstances
  • Documentation
  • Simple effective defense techniques from the seated position
  • How to handle active shooter situations on a coach
  • Enhanced decision-making skills under stress
  • Improved Situational awareness
  • Mastering emotional overload and the fight/flight response


Book Bill



The following topics are available for customized 45-to-90-minute keynote presentations that will be specifically crafted to meet your organizational needs, address your unique challenges, and fill your training requirements.

  • S.P.A.R.K. “Cracking the Creativity Code”
  • Mindfulness in the work place
  • Lead the field
  • Red Carpet Customer Service
  • Unconscious Bias
  • Beyond Resilience
  • The Inspired Workplace
  • Communication for leaders
  • Strategic Planning

Book Bill

Red Carpet Customer Service

This 6-hour courses/workshop or 60 minutes Key note is designed for the unique challenges transit organizations face to more effectively and consistently deliver an outstanding customer experience by utilizing the SHOWTIME principle, to inspire creative ways to connect with customers and increase ridership through an experienced based approach.

This is not an out of the box program but a custom designed ridership experience program developed with and for your organization and its specific demographics, psychographics, and unique challenges.

This program will show you how to connect more impactfully and positively with the community you serve in meaningful and measurable way by creating outstanding customer experiences that surprise, delight, and amaze our riders, by listening to what is most important to them and utilizing creative thinking to deliver on our core mission and promises in truly outstanding ways.

The seven core keys of great customer experience are discussed and then applied to the transit mission, how to tell our transit story in an impactful way that celebrates, honors, and respects our customers. How to infuse and train the new customer centric message through the whole organization for consistency and get buy in from all levels of your organization, and finally employ the CANI methodology to keep the mission alive and growing.


Book Bill

Unconscious Bias Training

This is a 3-hour course or 60-minute keynote is designed to help individuals and organizations become more mindful and aware of how our beliefs and actions, both conscious and unconscious, can affect our relationships, productivity, and organization both positively and negatively.

This is a practical course that will help individuals understand and uncover their biases, give them practical tools for managing it, and protect your organization from legal and financial risk.

High quality diversity programs are more critical than ever as the landscape for employers to continue to change and become an ever more diverse talent pool, and with more regulatory pressure to comply with.

Most people believe themselves to be beyond harboring biases, they believe they are too educated, enlightened, or progressive in their thinking to harbor these destructive thoughts, when this very belief system can create blind spots in awareness that allow unconscious bias to flourish.

This eye-opening program will help uncover and change unconscious bias in yourself and organization, give you the tools and techniques for combating it, create a more inclusive workplace, and help you overcome the specter of unconscious bias from entry level employees to the top of your organization.


  • What is unconscious bias
  • Strategies for uncovering it
  • Tools for combating in ourselves and organization
  • Tips to recognize it
  • Harassment and inclusion issues
  • How to be more self-aware and mindful in recruiting, hiring, leadership, promoting
  • How to make sure unconscious bias is not affecting your decision making


Book Bill

The Inspired Workplace

Inspiration is one of the most critical resources in the modern workplace, billions of dollars in productivity are lost every year by American businesses; simply through employee disengagement; knowing this to be a fact; how exactly do we remedy it and create an inspiring, engaging, and vibrant work environment, one filled with energy, passion, and meaning?

This 3-hour course or 60-minute keynote will show you not only how to create a more vibrant, engaged, and inspired work environment, it will show you how to sustain it over the long term.

By creating and sustaining a vibrant workplace we attract, recruit, and keep more creative, talented, and committed employees, who are fully engaged and passionate about what they do and the organizational mission.

This program will provide you with the strategy and the fuel to ignite this level of engagement in your workforce, super charge your teams and encourage creativity like never before.


Book Bill

Beyond Resilience

“Grow stronger, more resourceful, and alive with each challenge faced”

For anyone who has ever faced obstacles in their life, dealt with rude, sarcastic, or mean people, faced insurmountable odds, or felt like the cards were stacked against them and they could not go on one more second and wanted to throw in the towel, this course is for you.

This powerful and transformational 4-hour course or 90-minute keynote will provide you with the ability to face any obstacle, set back, or adversity and come back stronger than ever, by turning these situations into opportunities for growth and to gain insight and wisdom.

Pain, loss, and adversity are part of the landscape of being human and we have all dealt with them and will deal with them again in the future; by seeking to understand these events more fully, finding meaning in life’s challenges and utilizing specific mental, emotional, and psychological tools to learn how to accept life’s setbacks positively reframe them, and find the meaning and growth opportunity hidden in them; we can turn these seemingly negative events into powerful and positive catalysts for growth and wisdom.

This course uses both time-tested techniques and cutting edge researched based tools for learning not just to cope with adversity, set back, stress, pain, loss, and a whole host of other of life’s challenges but to grow from them, become stronger, more resilient, and wiser with each obstacle faced.

We may have very little control over what happens to us, but we have unlimited ability to transform these experiences through simple change in awareness, personal philosophy and powerful mental and emotional tools for growth.


Book Bill

Mindfulness in the Workplace

Most of our lives are lived below conscious awareness as a result many of the decisions and actions we take every day are mindless, our eating, how we communicate, leadership, decision making; you name it, as a result at best we get mixed results in virtually all areas of our lives.

In the workplace mindless communication, leadership, marketing, customer relations, hiring, and recruiting can lead to a plethora of disastrous results, from lawsuits to lost customers, and retention issues to dysfunctional teams.

A simple but powerful shift in understanding and awareness can show individuals and whole organizations how to live, work, communicate, and perform more consciously and deliberately working from reality and not flawed and inaccurate mental models built on subjective experience but from objective reality and conscious, compassionate, and accurate thinking.

This 3-hour course can introduce a whole new way of thinking, living, and leading to your organization and all your employees, empowering them to act decisively, compassionately, and consciously, looking at the larger picture, and making decisions based on how it impacts the whole and not just the parts.


Book Bill

S.P.A.R.K. “Cracking the Creativity Code”

Creativity is the cornerstone of innovation and development the people and organizations that are nimbler and engage in divergent thinking; solve problems twice as fast come up with more ecological and lasting solutions.
Most people believe you are either born with creative genius or you are not; this is simply not true; creativity is a learnable skill; much like a muscle; the ore you use it the stronger it gets.
This 8 eight-hour work shop is designed to show students how to tap into their natural creative genius and start growing their creative muscles.
Students will learn to model creative geniuses like Davinci, Tesla, Dali, and the Wright Brothers; to tap into their unique way of thinking and viewing the world and solving problems.
This exciting and fun filled course is filled with practical solutions, exercises, and ideas you can use to SPARK your creativity, solve problems faster, and connect with your inner genius.


  • How the creative process works
  • Model creative geniuses throughout history
  • Learning to tap into your sub-conscious mind
  • Exercises and activities to SPARK your creative genius and getting creative juices flowing
  • A virtual tool box of techniques to inspire and motivate you
  • How to collaborate with diverse teams to amp your collective creativity
  • Critical thinking tools and exercises to address problems and challenges
  • Divergent thinking processes to widen your creative horizon


Book Bill