Are you looking for top of the line Transit De-escalation Training? Roadworthy Communications Offers a deescalation and Conflict Management course to give your team peace of mind and knowing that they have all the tools to help create amazing conflict resolution between themselves and their riders. This is a 4-Hour course or 60 to 90 keynote presentation that teaches your team how to effectively escalate any situation. with an emphasis on keeping calm, controlling your emotions, and thinking while under pressure to ensure that your team has all the tools to create an exceptional experience for your customers. benefits include enhanced Public Image, a better job satisfaction for the operator as well as boosting his confidence, as well as customization to your organizational needs.

Roadworthy Communications Offers more training than justTransit De-escalation Training. For example, we offer operator safety and self-defense from the seated position as a training course as well. This course is specifically meant for your operator and it’ll teach him how to protect himself physically and emotionally from attacks while in the seated position. with an emphasis on civil liability, reasonableness in the totality of circumstances meaning your operator will know where the line is and how hard he can physically protect himself before he goes over the line. It improves situational awareness as well as mastering emotional overload and the fight or flight response.

Transit De-escalation Training goes really well with the field courses which inspire leadership. and its two-day course is specifically meant for supervisors to learn how to communicate effectively and open up the channels of communication with their other employees. benefits include a more conscious and connected leadership as well as practical skills that can be applied in real time in real world situations and not just theories that you read in books. Some of the topics include how to create a buy-in and Inspire your team as well as how to communicate and demonstrate the organizational vision and missions of the company.

We also offer a speaker camp Called certified transformational training professional as a four-day virtual in live intensive speaker training camp where you learn how to become a great presentation for all audiences. you learn how to use a stage for maximum impact, as well as powerfully connect with your audience. you’ll learn how to become a master Storyteller and use humor to create a training atmosphere. you can learn to use technology effectively to complement the learning as well. you learn how to improvise and teach physically as well as share your personal stories with power and passion.

You can check out our website at where you can go over a full list of all of the training services that we offer, as well as read about how we got started in the transit training industry. You can check out a detailed and complete overview of our speaker camp where you will learn to become an amazing speaker. Please give us a call today at 937-673-3698.

Transit De-escalation Training | we offer more Training Services than anyone else

Do you want to teach your employees Transit De-escalation Training? we need you to know that Roadworthy Communications can help with all of your training needs. We offer more Training Services than anybody else to ensure that your team gets complete training without any holes or gaps in their training. this way they will be able to handle virtually any situation in de-escalate it. I should give you peace of mind knowing that you’ve given your team the absolute best tools to ensure that they stay calm, can think under pressure, and make the right choices when confronted by aggressive individuals. These are just a few reasons that set us apart from our competition in the training industry and why you should choose Roadworthy Communications for all of your training needs.

Another training course that we offer besides Transit De-escalation Training The operator safety and self-defense from the seated position course. It’s exactly what it sounds like. It’s a course specifically designed for your operator’s safety and teaches them how to protect himself with self-defense from the seated position. We also go over different aspects of where the “line” is in regards to how far your operator can go in protecting himself from an aggressive customer. I will teach the operator how to master his emotional control as well as the fight or flight response, will improve his situational awareness and enhance decision-making skills under stress.

Roadworthy Communications offers the best Transit De-escalation Training but it’s even better when it’s paired with our red carpet customer service training. It’s a 6-hour course that’ll teach your customer representative specialists how to ensure a rich and fulfilling experience for the customer. and if the customers complain it’ll teach you how to switch that and turn their negative into a positive. it’ll teach you the seven Corky’s of great customer experience, how to apply them in the transportation industry.

We also offer a speaker camp which is a great way for you to become the amazing speaker that you’ve always wanted to be. will teach you how to gain control over your nervousness, and your shakes so you can give a well received presentation. Will teach you how to connect with the audience as well as use humor and past experiences as examples in the teaching atmosphere. will teach you how to master your presence and learn how to Market your speaking skills as well as design interactive engaging and effective handouts for training purposes.

You can prove our website at your leisure at or you can go over a complete list of all of our training services, you can check out our certified conscious coaching professional training program, as well as you can read about how we got started in the training industry! You can check out all the other industries that we train for as well as the products that we offer including books and training manuals to ensure that you have the most up-to-date and Cutting Edge training theories. please give us a call at 937-673-3698