Are you searching for Transit De-escalation Training? the search no further let me tell you the quest has been completed! you’ve been awarded 35 experience points to your guild. just kidding but you did just stumble upon the best de escalation training team in the industry with Roadworthy Communications! Did you know that we do more Industries and just transit? We trained police and Security Professionals, medical professionals, Hotel and Hospitality professionals, retail and sales professionals, delivery professionals, Financial institutions, religious institutions and House of worship, as well as schools and dispatchers and call centers! So no matter what industry you’re in, we have the tools in the training to ensure that your team of employees are kept safe from aggravated or agitated customers.
Roadworthy Communications Transit De-escalation Training is a specific training course geared towards de-escalation customers that are upset. It’s called a de-escalation Conflict Management course. It’s a four-hour course or 60 to 90 keynote presentation that teaches operators supervisors and customer service representatives to quickly, effectively and compassionately de-escalate any situation. with an emphasis on emotional state management, operator safety and Powerful communication and Report building skills to ensure that your team can think logically under pressure, make correct choices when threatened, and learn how to de-escalate any situation compassionately to ensure that other Riders have exceptional experience.
Roadworthy Communications does not only do Transit De-escalation Training, but did you know that we have a speaker camp? It is called certified transformational training professionals and it’s a powerful four-day course that teaches you some online aspects of life. you will learn lots of things including how to use a stage for maximum impact, powerfully connect with your audience. you will learn how to use technology effectively in your presentations, as well as design interactive engaging and effective hand actors for training. you will blend learning methodologies for Maximum Impact as well as master your presence. We will teach you how to get over your nervousness and jitters to ensure that you are a professional speaker. you’ll learn how to use humor to communicate and connect with your audience too.
We also offer operator safety and self-defense from the seated position course. This is a specific course for your operator to ensure that he can think under pressure and learn how to protect himself in case an agitated customer comes at him threateningly. it’ll teach him how to specifically navigate how far is too far, and what he is allowed to do in protecting himself. It’ll teach him specific training techniques that will help him protect himself while he’s in a seated position to ensure the safety of all passengers.
check out our website at where you can get a full list of all the services that we offer. You can check out our speaker camp where you can learn how to become an amazing public speaker too. Please give us a call at 937-673-3698.
Transit De-escalation Training | operator safety course
Roadworthy Communications offers the best Transit De-escalation Training in Rd escalation conflict management course. We will teach you how to compassionately and confidently de-escalate any situation. will teach you how to think under pressure logically, as well as stay calm whenever you’re threatened. We will teach you how to be more resilient and handle stress more effectively to ensure that passengers receive a better experience on their transit.. we teach you how to tackle the emotional state management and how to keep your cool calm as well as operator safety and simple and effective de-escalation skills.
Roadworthy Communications Transit De-escalation Training it’s not the only training that we do, we also do operator safety self-defense from the seated position as another training course specifically geared towards operators. we understand that the operator is probably the most important position because they’re in control of the transit, if something happens to them something that could happen to the trans and hurt everybody involved. so this is a course to help train the transit operator on how to proactively keep himself safe from any deranged Riders. It also teaches him how and to know how far he can go in protecting himself where you and your team won’t get hit with lawsuits.
Transit De-escalation Training is amazing but so is leading the field which is an inspiring leadership course. The topics include role modeling, conscious communication, how to create buying and Inspire teams as well as how to communicate and demonstrate the organization’s vision. benefits include a more conscious and connected leadership that will be able to connect with other team members. you’ll learn how to inspire other team members not just through words but through actions. you will also be more effective leadership and have better communication skills with your team.
We also offer a speaker camp Called certified transformational training professionals which is a 4-day virtual and live intensive speaker training camp where you will learn how to speak in a public setting. Some of the advantages that you will learn include how to own and use a stage, powerfully connecting with your audience, you’ll be able to master storytelling to enhance teachable moments as well as use humor effectively and appropriately in training. you’ll utilize theater techniques enhanced storytelling in prison skills that blend learning methodologies for Maximum Impact with your team learning. you’ll be able to learn from the Masters using video and virtual training as well as how to vocally project effectively.
check out our website at where you will be able to get a full list of services and training that we offer as well as get a detailed view of our certified transformational training professional course. You’ll be able to cruise our website, check out all the answers that we train as well as check out the products that we offer including books as well as training materials so you can stay at the forefront of all new training processes. make sure you give us a call today to schedule your team’s training at 937-673-3698.