Let’s get it when you need Transit De-escalation Training make sure you go with us cuz we have more training options than anybody else to ensure that your team gets the complete training they deserve to be safe. Some of the training include public speaker camp , operator safety and self-defense from the seated position course, de-escalation and conflict management course, lead the field which is inspiring leadership course through trust, culture vision and accountability. there’s more courses available as well and we’ve been training for over 15 years since 2010 so we have 15 years experience in the industry. We want to let that experience work for you and overcome any challenges or difficulties you face in your training.

Our Transit De-escalation Training starts with operator safety and self-defense from the seated position. This is a four-hour course that will teach your operator how to protect himself. It has simple and effective defense techniques from the seated position, as well as how to handle active shooter situations. you learn enhanced decision-making skills under stress as well as improve situational awareness. it’s very important for your operator to know how to protect himself but also to know where the line is so he doesn’t get a lawsuit. and we teach civil liability, reasonableness as well as totality of circumstances to ensure he knows where that line is drawn and he won’t get a lawsuit from hurting a customer when he’s just trying to protect himself.

Transit De-escalation Training also offers de-escalation and conflict management courses. you will learn how to quickly and effectively escalate virtually any situation whether it’s from a frustrated writer or an openly hostile individual. you’ll learn emotional state management where you learn to effectively master your own emotional states, remain calm and make better communication safety decisions and distress. you’ll learn powerful communication and Report building skills as well as simple and effective de escalation skills with the emphasis on operator safety.

You can learn from our speaker camp on how to effectively speak in public situations as well as get rid of your nerves and jitters. It’s called a certified transformational training professional and it is a 16-hour online virtual training as well as two days on site training. you’ll be presented a manual and workbook as well as a marketing manual for online training courses. you learn how to overcome Jitters and fight as well as using video and virtual training and how to write your first book to establish credibility in the marketplace. you’ll blend learning methodologies for Maximum Impact including designing interactive common engaging and effective handouts and you’ll use humor effectively and appropriately in training. you’ll learn how to use and own the stage for Maximum Impact as well as mine and powerfully tell your personal story.

check out our website at rwctraining.com we can go over the full list of all the training services that we offer as well as our amazing speaker camp. you can check out the products for sale as well as check out coaching opportunities. You can read about all the different industries that we do training for. Please give us a call at 937-673-3698.

Transit De-escalation Training | amazing training

Are you interested in our amazing Transit De-escalation Training services? Let me tell you this is the right place for you because we have the complete list of services where your team won’t have any holes or gaps in their training. Transit training is extremely important and the first thing that we like to talk about is roads, where they conduct de-escalation and conflict management courses, but there’s also operator safety and self-defense from the seated position. We also have an amazing public speaking course if you have a hard time or are afraid to speak in public. We offer lead the field which is an inspiring leadership course, as well as red carpet customer service for your customer care representatives. Essentially we have every type of training that you need for your company. We’ve been training for over 15 years so let us use that experience to help you. it’s just one other way that we set ours apart from the competition.

Transit De-escalation Training starts with our de-escalation and conflict management course where you’ll learn how to quickly and effectively deescalate virtually any situation. Whether it’s from a Passenger that’s overwhelmed or just someone randomly who’s frustrated and openly hostile, you’ll be able to deescalate that situation. you also learn to effectively master your emotions and make better communication safety decision skills under stress. you’ll learn powerful communication and team building skills as well as simple and effective de-escalation skills with an emphasis on operation safety. you’ll learn how emotional state management is important and how to think under pressure. It’ll enhance your Public Image as well as improve job satisfaction, increase operator confidence and safety as well as help reduce operator involved incidents in right or complaints.

We also offer operator safety and self-defense from the seated position for our Transit De-escalation Training. It is very important for your operator to be able to protect himself because if something happens to him something can happen to the whole Transit which means all of the customers and all of your employees get hurt. That’s why it’s important to learn simple and effective defense techniques from the seated position which we will teach. as well as how to handle active shooter situations. He’ll learn enhanced decision-making skills under stress as well as improve situational awareness. He’ll also understand how far he can go and protect himself. In regards to civil liability and the totality of circumstances he will understand how far he can go without drawing a lawsuit.

We also offer a public speaking course which is an amazing way for you to learn how to become a great public speaker. This is an intense day training camp we’re 16 hours are online and 2 days are on site training. you’ll learn how to own and use a stage for maximum impact, as well as be a master Storyteller to enhance teachable moments. you’ll be able to use humor effectively appropriately in training as well as design, and interactive, and engaging and effective handouts to help students learn. you’ll learn how to master your presence as well as where and how to research topics.

check out our website at rwctraining.com when you get a full list of services that we offer in regards to training your team. you can go over the products that we offer as well as see how we got started in the training industry. please give us a call 937-673-3698