Are you looking for the best Transit De-escalation Training? well then look no further because we have the best training for you. the first thing we want to talk about are some of the different trainings that we offer . we offer speaker camp where you you can learn how to speak effectively in front of a public group of audience. we have roadworthy communications and conflict management courses. We have operator safety and self-defense from the seated position course. We have led the field. as well as red carpet customer service training. We’ve been doing training since 2010 so we have over 15 years experience. We want to let that experience work for you and overcome any challenges your team faces in their training.
Did you know that Transit De-escalation Training can actually be really informative when you enroll your team in our roadworthy communication conflict management course. It’s a four hour course where your team will go over topics such as emotional state management, simple and effective de-escalation skills as well as operator safety. you will learn how to effectively master your own emotional state, remain common centered in any situation to make better communication and safety decisions. It helps reduce operator involved incidents and write complaints as well as improve operator confidence and safety.
Did you know Transit De-escalation Training also encompasses operator safety? We offer an operator safety and self-defense from the seated position. This is because it’s imperative for the operator to be safe whenever someone’s trying to challenge him or fight him while he’s operating the transit. if something happens to him the whole Transit could go off Rail and something that could happen to all the customers. So this course talks about how far he can go in regards to protecting himself with civil liability. I’m a teacher of some simple effective defense techniques from the seated position as well as how to handle an active shooter. It enhances decision making skills under stress as well.
We also have an amazing speaker course called speaker camp where you can learn how to become a great public speaker. Some of the benefits include being able to use the stage for Maximum Impact as well as blend learning methodologies for maximum impact, utilize theater techniques to enhance storytelling and presentation skills, and master presence. learn how to Market your speaking skills by positioning yourself as a side after expert. you will learn how to use humor effectively inappropriately in training. you will learn how to use video in Virtual training as well as learn from the masters. you will Design interactive, engaging and effective handouts for students to learn. and there’s so much more but you will definitely learn how to overcome Jitters in stage fright.
Please check out our website where you can go over a full list of training services that we offer. you can go over our speaker camp. you can see how we got started in the industry as well as what all Industries we train teams for. Please give us a call at 937-673-3698.
Transit De-escalation Training | customer service training
Are you in need of Transit De-escalation Training for your team of employees? What we want you to know is that we have all the training that your team could possibly need including our speaker Camp which will teach you how to speak correctly in front of a group of people. We offer deescalation training and conflict management, we offer operator safety and self-defense from the seated position. We offer lead field training as well as red carpet customer service training as well as leadership training. with all these different trainings and over 15 years experience doing the train as it’s no wonder everyone’s coming to us for all their training needs.
We want you to know that the Transit De-escalation Training is Top Notch and it’s called de-escalation and conflict management. you will learn how to effectively master your own emotional state and stay calm whenever there’s danger. you’ll be able to think under stress. I will go over operator safety as well as simple and effective escalation skills so you’ll be able to quickly and effectively deescalate virtually any situation. Some of the benefits included will help reduce operator involved incidents and write complaints as well as improve job satisfaction and increase operator confidence and safety.
we also offer operator specific Transit De-escalation Training with our operator safety and self-defense from the seated position class some of the most important aspects and lessons that your operator will take away from this is how to protect himself from a seated position. he’ll learn simple and effective defense techniques from the seated position as well as how to handle an active shooter situation. he’ll have enhanced decision making skills under stress as well as improve situational awareness. We also go for civil liability, reasonableness and totality of circumstances meaning that he’ll know where the line is drawn and how far he can go to protect himself before he gets a lawsuit.
We also offer an amazing speaker camp where you can learn how to speak in a public setting. This intensive day training will teach you how to speak in public and help you get rid of all the Jitters and nerves that you have when speaking in public. you’ll be able to learn from the Masters and how to write your first book to establish credibility in the marketplace, master improvisational and physical teaching, you’ll know where to get ideas for Creative inspiring keynotes, as well as learning how to own the stage and use humor effectively inappropriately in training. as well as use video and virtual training correctly as well as how to write your first book to establish credibility in the marketplace.
check out our website where you can get a full list of training services that we offer as well as radar customer testimonials. You can check out our speaker camp where you can end up looking at how to become an amazing public speaker. please give us a call at 937-673-3698