Are you looking for the absolute Transit De-escalation Training? we’ll look no further because roadworthy Communications has the best training around. Roadworthy Communications offers a de-escalation conflict management course, operator safety and self-defense from the seated position course, public speaking course, lead the field leadership course, red carpet customer service for customer care representatives, as well as unconscious bias training. We’ve been in the training industry for over 15 years to let us use that skill and knowledge to help you overcome any deficiencies your team has with their training.

Did you know that Transit De-escalation Training with the road worthy Communications starts with operator safety and self-defense from the seated position? That is because it is so important that your operator knows how to protect himself because if something happens to him and the train goes off the rail then everybody could get injured. We offer simple and effective defense techniques from the seated position to where he’ll be able to protect himself. We teach how to handle active shooter situations. We teach enhanced decision making skills under stress to help improve situational awareness. make sure you enroll your operator in our operator safety and self-defense from the seated position course so that he will know what to do when the time arises and there’s someone challenging his authority on the transit.

We also offer Transit De-escalation Training in de-escalation Conflict Management courses where you will learn how to quickly and effectively de-escalate any situation. Some of the topics include emotional state management, powerful communication report building skills, simple and effective escalation skills as well as operation safety. Some of the benefits included will help reduce operator involved incidents and Rider complaints as well as improve job satisfaction and increase operator competence. It’ll enhance the Republic image and it’ll teach effective strategies to master your own emotional state to ensure that you have clear communication and safety decisions are made correctly under stress.

We also offer a wicked awesome public speaker course. Are you afraid to speak in public because you’re too nervous and have jitters? Well, we will specifically teach you how to overcome those nerves and Jitters when speaking in public. It’s a four day course split between 16 hours of online training as well as two days of on-site training. you presented you get a presenters manual and workbook as well as marketing and expert positioning manual and online training courses to help. you’ll learn how to overcome Jitters in stage fright as well as own and use a stage for Maximum Impact you’ll be able to powerfully connect with your audience, mine and powerfully tell your personal stories. you’ll be a master Storyteller to enhance teachable moments as well as his humor effectively inappropriately in training.

check out our website where you get a complete list of all the training services that we offer, you can check out our products that are for sale, as well as all the different industries that we do training for. you can check out about us and see how long we’ve been in the training industry. Please give us a call at 937-673-3698.

Transit De-escalation Training | dedicated training

Are you searching for Transit De-escalation Training? We want you to know that we have the absolute best and all training. We also have an amazing speaker camper where you can learn how to do amazing public speaking. but we’ll start off with all of our training. We have amazing de-escalation training. The road where the communications training and conflict management. We offer operator safety and self-defense from the seated position. We offer lead courses in the leadership course as well as red carpet customer service where your customer care Representatives will learn how to create a great atmosphere for customers. we’ve been in the industry for over 15 years

The first Transit De-escalation Training we want to talk about is our amazing escalation conflict management course. It’s a 4-Hour course where the teachers, operators , and finally supervisors and customer service reps teach how to quickly and effectively deescalate situations. You also learn how to effectively master your emotional state and learn how to think under duress in any situation to make better communication safety decisions. you learn powerful communication or poor building skills as well as simple and effective escalation skills and besides on operator safety.

you will also Transit De-escalation Training for your operator in operator safety and self-defense from the seated position. This is a great way for your operator to gain confidence and learn how to protect himself if there’s ever someone trying to challenge his authority on the transit. He will learn simple and effective defense techniques from the city position as well as how to handle an active shooter situation. you’ll gain enhanced decision making skills under stress to help improve situational awareness.

We also offer an amazing speaker camp. where you will learn how to overcome all your Jitters and nerves and public speaking. Will learn to use a stage for Maximum Impact as well as powerfully connect with your audience you’ll be a master Storyteller to enhance teachable moments. you will use humor effectively inappropriately in training as well as design interactive, engaging and effective handouts while blending learning methodologies for maximum impact. you will utilize theater techniques to enhance storytelling and presenting skills as well as own and use a stage for maximum impact. you will learn how to Market your speaking skills as well as position yourself as a sought after expert well sharing your personal story with power and passion. you will overcome Jitters and stage fright and remember it’s 16 hours online split and then two days of on-site training.

check out our website or you can get a full list of the training services that we offer including our speaker camp De-escalation and conflict management course, as well as our operator safety and self-defense from the seat of position course. please give us a call at 937-673-3698